Senior Living Services

Our senior living advisors are your partner for the next chapter. To learn more, look below. Contact us today for free consultations.

Guiding Your Way to Senior Living and Care

As we get older, finding the right living solution to fit our changing needs is crucial for continued health, happiness, and quality of life. However, sorting through the many options for senior living can feel overwhelming. That’s where Route 65 Senior Living Advisors™ comes in.

Our team of advisors is dedicated to providing seniors and their families with the expertise, guidance, and support needed to make informed decisions. Whether you want to remain comfortably in your home, downsize in some way, or enjoy a vibrant community, we listen to your unique preferences and match you with solutions tailored for your next chapter. With compassion and care, we ease the transition so you can embrace the possibilities ahead.

Our Services

Senior Living Placement

Guidance and support with assessing, selecting, and transitioning to the senior living community that best fits your needs and preferences.

Aging In Place

Assistance with Aging in Place options including transitioning to a new home, townhome, or apartment as well as adapting your current home to meet your needs.

Vendors & Providers

Aid with locating community resources & vendors/providers to support you in your current home and/or with transitioning to your new living situation.

Custom Services

Additional custom services are available such as Caring Check-ins which include a short, in-person visit with loved ones unable to visit their senior family member.

Our Process

We are dedicated to ensuring that seniors and their families experience a seamless and compassionate journey when it comes to finding the ideal senior living experience. We are here to provide you with expert guidance and professional support to make the most well-informed decisions possible.

Throughout your entire journey, we are at your service to address any questions or concerns you may have. Our commitment to a compassionate, one-on-one approach ensures that you receive personalized support tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

When you choose to partner with us, you can anticipate a personalized experience that takes you through our comprehensive six-step approach:


Free, no-obligation consultation to determine your needs and preferences. During this process, we’ll also discuss what to expect from us and how we can assist you and your loved ones.


Together, we assess your lifestyle preferences, care needs, and funding options. With our support, you will finalize the category of senior living options that best fits you.


Senior communities and options vary widely in costs. We provide guidance in assessing your funding options and provide information to assist in your funding decisions.


Based on our assessment and research, we present you with carefully curated recommendations, narrowing down the best options that suit your situation.


Once you have determined your preferred senior living location, we will assist you with connecting with the selected resources and/or communities, and tours, through each step to your final selection.


We assist with the transition to your chosen senior living solution, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience for you and your family as well as post-placement follow-up.

Our Pricing

All services are individualized – pricing is provided following a complimentary consultation to define scope of services client identifies.


Our Advisors Are Here to Help

Our advisors are ready to meet with you and your family to discuss your unique situation and preferences. We will simplify the research process and help identify communities offering the right amenities, care services, and budget to fit your needs.

Please contact us today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation. We look forward to helping guide you and your loved one to a fulfilling senior living lifestyle!

Contact Us

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(is this for you? a family member?)
(Aging in Place? Senior Community? Etc.)
(when is it needed?)
(general location, town, county, etc.)
(type of preferred funding – VA, Medicaid, Long Term Care Insurance, Private, need assistance with options?)